Thursday 6 August 2015

Nouns that are always singular in form

Grammar  Lesson 1 

Some English nouns do not have plural forms , except under special  conditions.  Here are some of them .                         
2. furniture
3. advice
4. music
6. aircraft
7. poetry
8. homework
9. information
10. evidence

If you want to use them in the plural sense , words like “ pieces “ , “ units “ and “ files ”  should be used.
A.1  The  mixing equipment  is  out of order . We have to knead the dough manually. ( singular)
A.2  Three  new  units of mixing  equipment were delivered last week. ( plural )
B.1  The evidence against the accused is very strong .  ( singular )
B.2  The files of evidence were more than  enough to convict the accused .  ( plural )   

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