Thursday 13 August 2015

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS LIST 1 : A fly in the ointment ...


  1. break even – make  neither profit nor loss
  2. up to the mark – up to standard , good enough
  3. on edge – nervous , tense , irritable
  4. you live and learn – become wiser , gain more experience with age
  5. through and through – completely , thoroughly
  6. grin and bear it – suffer something unpleasant with optimism  because  one cannot change it
  7.  blow by blow – ( when giving an account of something ) including all the details and events
  8.  hold one’s horses – be patient , wait , or slow  down
  9.  the rat race – the frantic , competitive struggle to do better than others
  10. a fly in the ointment -  a difficulty  or something  unpleasant  which prevents  or spoils  total satisfaction or enjoyment
  11. a fish out of the water -  someone who feels uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations
  12. call a spade a spade – speak frankly
  13. keep one’s fingers crossed – hope or wish for luck
  14. raise hell – create great disturbance , protest or complain loudly and angrily
  15. above board – legal , without secrecy
  16. beat around the bush -  talk indirectly about something
  17. keep up  with the Joneses -  compete with one’s neighbors and friends in material standards
  18. deliver the goods – produce the expected results , do what is expected
  19. cut the cackle -  stop wasting time with unnecessary talk
  20. the acid test -  the ultimate , most severe test  that proves the ability , truth  or worth of something
  21. sick and tired -  thoroughly bored or annoyed with someone or something
  22. sleep on ( something ) – postpone a decision
  23. at a price – with sacrifice or disadvantages
  24. curry favor – try to win favor by flattery   
  25. get out of the wrong side of the bed – be in a bad mood all  day


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