Friday 7 August 2015

Confusing Words : Chords / Cord and Adopted /Adoptive

Chord or Cord ?
               A.      In the musical and mathematical sense , use CHORD . 
                      Kris  is learning to read guitar chords.
                Use CHORD also to describe an emotional reaction.
                The president’s speech struck a chord among the working class.
              B.      When  referring  to anatomical parts (i.e., parts of the human/animal  body )   , use CORD                           Kevin’s spinal cord was seriously injured  at the accident .
               She has inflamed and painful  vocal cords.  
Adopted or Adoptive ? 
        A. The adjective ADOPTED is applied to a child who was adopted .
This ten-year-old boy is Jane’s adopted son.

B.      The adjective ADOPTIVE is applied to the adult  who adopted the child.
Mr. Sanders and his wife are the adoptive parents  of Mike whose biological parents are actually  Russians.  

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