Thursday 6 August 2015


             Where I come from , “nose bleed ” has a special connotative meaning .It means that a person is having difficulty in using  and understanding the  English language. The expression is usually used in humorous , light-hearted context . Well , I think we can all agree that English, indeed , is a bloody , crazy language .  While we may not literally bleed while trying to learn English , it has ---for sure --- given countless people a lot of headache. 
             This blog is for any poor soul  who , by choice or by cruel fate , has to deal with the English language. You will find lessons and information  in different serving sizes : some are in chewable bits , some are in bigger chunks.  Please don’t expect a neatly arranged list of topics.  ( I don't think neatly!) I will write my posts in “stream of consciousness” style.  To be blunt about it , it could be messy and random---depending on what I'm able to unearth first in my treasure chest of teaching materials .Just find your way around !  

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