Thursday 6 August 2015

Names for groups of animals - List 1


Answers to the previous quiz :

1. a convocation of eagles
2. a bed of clams 
3.a  band  of gorillas
4.a murder of crows
5.a knot of frogs

Names  for  groups of animals  - List 1 
1.     A parliament of owls
2.     A gam of whales
3.     A leap of leopards
4.     A zeal of zebras
5.     A troop of monkeys
6.     A pride of lions
7.      A kindle of kittens
8.     An ostentation of peacocks
9.     An army of caterpillars
10.                        A plague of locusts
11.                        A trip of goats

12.                        A pack of dogs 

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