Tuesday 3 November 2015

Vocabulary Activity


1. redundant  - repetitious
2. peril   - danger
3. catholic   - universal
4. enervate  -  to cause  one to lose energy
5. gullible - easily fooled

Activity  :  Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1.  When I told Phillip that  Justin Bieber visited the school when he was absent , he actually believed it . He is so _______________________.

2. One thing that I don't like about Professor Smith is that he  says the same thing over and over again . He is __________________________.

3. Love for  one's family exists in all ethnic groups .  It  is a _____________________   trait .

4.  Any day that goes higher than  25 degrees Celsius will knock me off.  Heat  easily _____________ me.

5. The men  ignored the ______________ of the rough sea  and went fishing anyway . 

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