Saturday 7 November 2015

Collective Nouns



          A collective noun takes a singular verb when it is  referred to as a unit or as a group acting as one . However ,  it takes a plural verb when its members are referred to as separate individuals with separate actions  or qualities .  Examples of collective nouns are  committee , board , council , group , team , batch , congregation  and entourage.
 Examples :
    1. The senate committee on ethics  has decided to investigate the complaint against the solon. [ singular ] 
    2. The senate committee  on ethics have been  arguing since this morning.[plural] 

 Activity :   Encircle the  letter of the  answer that   will  correctly  complete each sentence.

1.    The  choir ________still deliberating on the repertoire of songs  for the jubilee concert.
a.  is                         b. are                         c. has                   d. have

2.    The congress  ______________ divided on the issue of charter change .
a. seems                 b.   seeming                    c. seem             d. has seemed 

3.    The FBI   ____________  its investigation on the fraud case.
a. have wrapped  up               b. wrapping up     
c. has wrapped up                  d. are wrapping up

4.    The parliament _________________ to have  a recess for a month.
a. are scheduled                                   b. is scheduled
c. were scheduled                                d. scheduled

5.    The  senate ___________  going to start the  session  when some of its members walked out of the hall.
a.  are                   b.  were                    c.  was             d. will

6.    Due to the  sudden rain ,  the  marching band  _____________  to different directions .    
a. going                                   b. has gone
c.  have gone                          d. gone

7.    HS Batch ’98 _____________going to have a reunion  at the  Atlanta  Polo Club a week from  now.
a. is                                   b. are                   c. was             d.  were

8.    The band ______________  October  27  as the date of their fund-raising concert .
         a. have chosen          b. chosen             c. choose                d.  has chosen

9.    FC Barcelona ______________ on a one-month vacation  after winning  the Copa Cup .  
a. is        b.   are           c.  are going     d.    have gone   

10. The board of directors _________________ a split decision on the election of a new chairman .
a. has rendered                                                       b. have rendered
b. is rendering                                                         d. has rendering

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Vocabulary Activity


1. redundant  - repetitious
2. peril   - danger
3. catholic   - universal
4. enervate  -  to cause  one to lose energy
5. gullible - easily fooled

Activity  :  Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1.  When I told Phillip that  Justin Bieber visited the school when he was absent , he actually believed it . He is so _______________________.

2. One thing that I don't like about Professor Smith is that he  says the same thing over and over again . He is __________________________.

3. Love for  one's family exists in all ethnic groups .  It  is a _____________________   trait .

4.  Any day that goes higher than  25 degrees Celsius will knock me off.  Heat  easily _____________ me.

5. The men  ignored the ______________ of the rough sea  and went fishing anyway .