Friday 29 January 2016

Few or A Few ? It depends on the situation , expectation and emotion


  “A few ” means  “ some ” , “ a small number”  or “ a handful”.  The implied meaning is  “ not a big number , but not too small either.”

You may say 

1.    I have  written a few essays  about  World War II.
    2.    A few guests arrived  early  at the party. 

    “ Few ” , on the other hand ,  means “ not many ” or “ almost none” . The word “ few ” emphasizes the smallness of the number.

You may say :

    1.    There are only few people  who are willing to help for free.
    2.    Unfortunately , few people  are really good at listening to others.

Let’s put this in context .

Let’s say  that it’s  an  awfully   cold  rainy day . A teacher  does not expect her students to come . She expects no one . But when she enters her room , she finds eight  students ( out of the total forty ) .  Then, she can say to her colleagues after the class:

“ Wow , I had  A FEW  students actually . ”

Now, let’s change the weather. Let’s say it’s a bright , sunny day . The teacher expects  most of her students  to come , but finds  only  eight  out  of forty . Then , she can say to her colleagues after the class:

“ Guess what. I had  FEW  students today . I wonder what happened to them.”

( and if she says “ very few” , that gives greater  emphasis on the “ smallness.”

                In terms of the emotions conveyed , “ a few ” is somewhat neutral or leaning toward  the positive side.  On the other hand , “ few  ” expresses a tone of sadness  or  regret.

              So , if you have three friends  and  you say :

“ I have a few friends. ”

then , it means that you’re okay and happy  with that . 

But if you say  :

“ I have few friends. ”

the connotation is that you are not happy with the number  of friends you have  ( i.e. , three )  and that  you wish   you had more friends around you.

So , the next time you have to choose between “  a few ” and “ few ”,  you have to first analyze  the situation ,  expectation and emotion .


I think three good friends are enough.