Saturday 19 September 2015

Every day or Everyday ?

Don't get confused .

" Every day " ( two words )  is a phrase that means  " each day ".

Read these sentences :

a. Every day , thousands of refugees cross international borders . 

b. My neighbor   never fails to piss me off every day

You can replace " every day " with " each day " , and the sentence remains grammatically correct.

On the other hand , "everyday" ( one word  )  is an adjective  that
  means  " common , normal or ordinary ".It comes before a noun. 

Take a look  at the sentences below. 

a.You should not wear everyday clothes to a business meeting.

b. Everyday  life has become monotonous to the old man. 

If you try to replace " everyday " with "each day" , the sentence becomes grammatically wrong .  

                            Image result for drawing of everyday clothes

Activity :  Write  " every day " or " everyday ".

1. ______________ work for him is answering phone calls  from angry and rude customers.

2. Since he laid eyes on her in that Italian cafe , he has been sending  her flowers __________________  for a month.

3. ________________ is a new day . Make the most out of it. 

4. We have to learn how to deal with _____________struggles. 

5. And she loved him , ____________ of her  remaining life.